粗略的鳶尾花 (Sketchy Iris) Sketchy Iris


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用於繪製基本虹膜/眼睛的畫筆。 A brush to paint a basic iris/eye.

使用此畫筆為您的繪圖添加基本的光圈線條圖!在圖層下方著色以輕鬆添加顏色。不同的部分是封閉的,因此您可以根據需要對其進行 bucket-tool。

Use this brush to add a basic iris line art to your drawing! Color beneath the layer to easily add color. The different sections are closed so you can bucket-tool it if you prefer.

You can also mirror/stretch/flip it to create differently-shaped eyes.


公開日期 : 3 days ago

更新日期 : 3 days ago

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