免費牛奶紙盒 (Free Milk Carton) Free Milk Carton


  • 690
  • 免費
此素材適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 2.2.0以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2.2.0 )

我沒有偷它,它是一個免費的“公共領域”3D 資產。我一直在尋找一個並找到了它。您會驚訝於我們能找到與 Clip Studio Paint 相容的內容。

這個是 .glb 格式,這意味著它包含紋理。
I didn't steal it, it's a free "public Domain" 3D asset. I was looking for one and found it. You'd be surprised what we could find that are Clip Studio Paint compatible.

This one is in .glb format which means it contains the texture.



This image is only an example of how to make the carton milk interact with a model (model not included)

Lock (attach) the "carton milk" under the right hand in the sub tool detail of the model and you don't have to worry about moving the milk carton again while moving the arm. The carton will follow as the arm moves.

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公開日期 : 9 hours ago

更新日期 : 9 hours ago

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