這是一種粉彩般的畫筆。 This is a pastel like brush.
MagicRobotsoup 的 Frog Sage Pastel 畫筆 <3

對於這個畫筆,我使用了去年夏天拍攝的牆壁照片作為我的 3D 模型的紋理。但我在 CSP 中玩弄了 Brushes 中的紋理,並創建了這個類似 Brush 的粉彩。

玩得開心,享受這款免費的刷子 <3 !
Frog Sage Pastel brush by MagicRobotsoup <3

For this brush I used a picture of a wall I took last summer for a texture for my 3D Models. But I had some fun here in CSP to play around textures in Brushes and created this pastel like Brush.
This Brush gives a charamant linework and also is good for textures when used for drawing highlights and shadows.

Have fun and enjoy this free brush <3 !