迷你刷子包 12 支 me 的酷炫刷子!! Mini brush pack of 12 cool brushes by me!!!
否則,這些畫筆的其餘部分都是小而整潔的,我希望 Ike 它們!

Here’s a brush pack I put together for funsies! I hope these can benefit you!
The background brush is used for same layer work. That brush will only work on empty/non drawn on pixels but it’s super helpful to fill it any gaps from the bucket tool. It’s a little useless otherwise LOLL
Most of the airbrushes can only be utilized over drawn on pixels, the hue brush only changes he hue not the saturation or light, its more so for color correcting.
Otherwise, the rest of these brushes are petty neat and I hope Ike them!
See bottom for reference with the oil and chalk pencils

類別1 Category 1
Deoks 背景噴槍 Deoks background airbrush
擦除噴槍 Erase airbrush
Deoks 色調 recolor 噴槍 Deoks hue recolor airbrush
Deoks 高光噴槍 Deoks highlight airbrush
Deoks burn 噴槍 Deoks burn airbrush
Deoks 淩亂的油漆抖動 Deoks messy paint jitter
Deoks 邊框筆 Deoks border pen
Deoks 軟粉筆 Deoks soft chalk
Deoks 素描鉛筆 Deoks sketch pencil
Deoks 多色粉筆 Deoks multicolor chalk
Deoks 軟油筆 Deoks soft oil pencil
Deoks highlight gpen Deoks highlight gpen