15種水彩紙紋理,無縫平鋪。 15 Watercolor paper textures with seamless tiling.
有些紙張紋理很微妙,類似於熱壓水彩紙,而有些則像冷壓紙一樣粗糙。紙張為 3000x3000 像素。

這些是實際大小的圖像角的 250px 小樣本 。真實圖像要大得多:

一整篇論文,實際大小略低於 1/3:

當您將繪製的圖層設置為 Multiply (正片疊底) 或 Color (顏色) 時,下面的紋理顯示如下:

Some paper textures are subtle, similar to hot pressed watercolor paper, while some are rougher like cold pressed paper. Papers are 3000x3000 px.

These are small 250px samples of the corners of the images at actual size. The real images are much larger:

A whole paper, at just under 1/3 actual size:

When you set a painted layer to Multiply or Color, the texture below shows like this:

類別1 Category 1
水彩紙 1 Watercolor Paper 1
水彩紙 2 Watercolor Paper 2
水彩紙 3 Watercolor Paper 3
水彩紙 4 Watercolor Paper 4
水彩紙 5 Watercolor Paper 5
水彩紙 6 Watercolor Paper 6
水彩紙 7 Watercolor Paper 7
水彩紙 8 Watercolor Paper 8
水彩紙 9 Watercolor Paper 9
水彩紙 10 Watercolor Paper 10
水彩紙 11 Watercolor Paper 11
水彩紙 12 Watercolor Paper 12
水彩紙 13 Watercolor Paper 13
水彩紙 14 Watercolor Paper 14
水彩紙 15 Watercolor Paper 15