由 40 種精選的明亮色彩組成的溫暖明亮的調色板! a warm and bright color palette composed of 40 selected bright colors!

如何使用調色板? 我通常會像使用有限的調色板一樣使用調色板 - 我傾向於完全避免接觸色輪,只依賴調色板和顏色歷史,以及顏色調整圖層。
我最常使用強光,Multiply 用於較暗的陰影,Overlay/Add(glow) 用於照明。

HOW DO I USE COLOR PALETTES? i'll usually make use of color palettes the same way one would use limited paint palettes - i tend to fully avoid touching the color wheel, relying only on palettes and color history, as well as color adjusment layers.
i use hard light the most, with multiply for darker shadows and overlay/add(glow) for lighting.
i find myself reaching towards this palette of mine regularly, hope you find some fun in it as well!