Sonan 的畫筆包(免費 1 周) (Sonan's Brush Pack (Free for 1 week)) Sonan's Brush Pack (Free for 1 week)


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- 1 支鉛筆
- 1 個硬三角形畫筆
- 1 個渲染三角形畫筆
- 1 pencil
- 1 hard triangular brush
- 1 rendering triangle brush

這是我最喜歡的和我常用的繪畫畫筆。第一種材料是我喜歡在素描時使用的鉛筆。您可以根據自己的素描樣式繪製輕描邊和硬描邊(第一張圖片)。如果您喜歡粗線和實線,則硬三角形畫筆非常適合線性繪製,並且還可以很好地確定繪圖的底色。最後,“Beautiful triangular brush” 是我的最愛;它適用於LineArt,用於添加細節、渲染,如果您想通過啟用顏色混合來使用它,甚至可以用作水彩材質。如果您使用非常小的尺寸,它可以用於素描,但我不建議這樣做(第二張圖片同時使用兩種畫筆)。 




Here are my favorite and my go-to brushes for drawing. The first material is a pencil I love to use when sketching. You can draw light and hard strokes depending on your sketching style (First image). The Hard triangular brush is great for lineart if you like rough and solid lines and it also works great to lay down the base colors of your drawing. Finally, the "Beautiful triangular brush" is my favorite; it work's for lineart, for adding details, rendering and even as a watercolor material if you want to use it like that by enabling color mixing. It can work for sketching if you use a very small size but I do not recommend it (The second image uses both brushes). 

I hope you find them useful. Happy drawing!


Triangular brushes:



公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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