Caleb (Love and Deepspace) Head (Caleb (Love and Deepspace) Head) Caleb (Love and Deepspace) Head


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此素材適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2 )

以遊戲《Love and Deepspace》中的 Caleb 為藍本的 3D 頭部,可説明您提升同人作品的水準。我不隸屬於 Infold,我只是一個試圖讓我的工作流程更輕鬆的同人藝術家。由Almond Blush使用 Basic CSP 頭製成。 A 3D head modeled after Caleb from the game Love and Deepspace to help level up your fanart. I am not affiliated with Infold, I’m just a fanartist trying to make my workflow easier. Made by Almond Blush using the Basic CSP head.

由於某些原因,Clip Studio 不支援與模型一起保存頭部縮放, 因此您需要在導入後更改頭部縮放,以確保其準確。


點擊層次上的頭部 。

轉到 Tool Property 面板。

依如下方式設定物件 比例 :

X: 97.6
Y: 100.8
Z: 100

請記住,Love 和 Deepspace 頭的 Object Scale 都不同。請確保正確輸入您的號碼。 


Because Clip Studio does not support head scaling saving with the model for some reason, you need to change the head scale once imported so it is accurate.

Use this tool:

Tap on the head on your layer.

Go to the Tool Property panel.

Set your Object Scale as follows:

X: 97.6
Y: 100.8
Z: 100

Please keep in mind the Object Scale for each of the Love and Deepspace heads are different. Please make sure to input your numbers correctly. 

Panel View:


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

AlmondBlush 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

She/Her • Digital Artist • Lover of anime, rainbows, and cookies • I draw hot people on TikTok & Bluesky <3