煙花畫筆套裝 [限時 10CP] (Fireworks Brush Set [Limited time 10CP]) Fireworks Brush Set [Limited time 10CP]

1. 繪製背景圖層。
2. 在上面創建一個新圖層(模式:顏色減淡、添加...)並使用 Fireworks 畫筆。
3. 使用一些濾鏡自定義效果,例如 Retro film in Effect, Blur...並使用 Tonal Correction 自訂顏色。

My Step By Step
1. Paint the background layer.
2. Create a new layer above (mode: color dodge, add...) and use fireworks brushes.
3. Customize the effect with some filters like Retro film in Effect, Blur... and customize the color with Tonal Correction.
煙火 Fireworks