--> 我編輯了畫筆,因為它們有問題,現在應該沒問題了。 我還為這套畫筆添加了一些新畫筆。
如果需要,您可以將它們用於 素描、線條藝術、 完成完整插圖 。 沒有限制!
⤹ 他們都有點傾斜。(此外,如果您在其中一些上按打火機,它們的強度會降低;如果您使用它們,畫筆會具有不同的強度)
⤹ 其中一個畫筆具有發光效果 (無需再模糊線性,它可以為您的線條帶來良好的氛圍)

!! This pack was updated !! {it's a brand new version of an old pack}
--> I edited the brushes because it was a problem with them and now it should be fine. I also added some new brushes to this set.
You can use them for sketching, lineart, completing full illustrations if you want. There is no limit!
⤹ All of them are kind of tilted. (also if you press lighter on some of them they come out less intense; the brushes have a variety of intensity if you play with them)
⤹ Some of them have a water edge, for a more watercolor vibe or a marker (kind of).
⤹ One of the brushes has a glow effect (no need to blur the lineart anymore and it give a nice vibe to your lines)
Here are the examples of how they look!!

鉛筆 Pencils
顆粒填充 Granula Fill
碎片 Splinter
塊筆 Block Pen
6B 著色器 6B Shader
HB 著色器 HB Shader
(輝光)更柔軟的白堊 (Glow) Softer Chalk
水洗塗料 Washed Coating Paint
濕 6B 鉛筆 (Tilt) Wet 6B Pencil (Tilt)
10B 鉛筆 (傾斜) 10B Pencil (Tilt)
顆粒狀油漆 Grainy Paint
遇險塗料 Distress Paint
干標記 Dry Marker
水樣標記 Watery Marker
重粉筆 Heavy Chalk
更柔軟的白堊 Softer Chalk