使用 Anime Studios 使用的 Alias 材質技術更快地繪畫!
這是圖像材質 - 不是畫筆它是預先塗漆的,您可以快速將樹定製成自己的顏色
拖放到 Canvas 中
Alias (別名) 這是一種很好的動畫技術。
別名有助於使用 Paint Bucket 更快地著色
這些是 Clip Studio 中位於「油漆桶」下的預設畫筆

Paint faster with Alias material technique used by Anime Studios !
This is a image material - not a brushIt is pre-painted, you can customize your tree to your own color fast
drag and drop into your canvas
Alias this is a good technique for animation.
Alias helps color faster with paint bucket
Use the color replace bucket tool with alias or color bucket tool with alias
these are default brushes in clip studio located under paint bucket