天鵝絨觸感 (Velvet Touch) Velvet Touch


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用於天鵝絨布的紋理畫筆 A texture brush for velvet cloth


- 使用普通平面畫筆將底色應用於素描

- 將漸層應用於此基底 

- 添加您的陰影和照明

- 一旦您對底色感到滿意,並且在第一次渲染(即:混合)之後,尤其是在過渡色調上使用此畫筆,使其大小適應您想要紋理化的空間。 


1. 此畫筆絕 不是素描畫筆。它是一種紋理畫筆,因此在具有過渡色調的污點上使用時更明顯。這就是為什麼我建議 在進入之前確保你的基地已經設置好。但請隨意嘗試一下!

阿拉伯數位。 此外,不要猶豫,使用水彩(或任何其他半透明)畫筆在設置為柔光、疊加或硬光的圖層上用細筆 觸完成您的作品。 並嘗試色調和混合模式,以獲得天鵝絨有時可以具有的多色效果。  

3. 該刷子還可以很好地與鮮豔的光層配合使用,以消除您有時會在織物上發現的刺眼高光。 

4. 您還可以調整畫筆的大小,因為它並不總是適用於較大的設置。緩慢而穩定總是贏得比賽。 

5. 如果在平板電腦上,使用時以圓周運動繪畫,它有助於畫筆在自身內部融合

6. 最後一個提示,不要猶豫,將它與揉捏橡皮擦結合使用,如果這就是您正在尋找的,請賦予它逼真的感覺。

How to use

- Apply base color to sketch using a normal flat brush

- Apply a gradient to this base 

- Add your shades and lighting

- Once you're satisfied with the base and after your first render (i.e: blending), use this brush especially on transitional shades adapting it's size to the spaces you're wanting to texturize. 

Quick notes: 

1. This brush is in no way a sketching brush. It is a texture brush and therefore is more visible when used on spots with transitional hues. This is why I advise making sure your base is set before going in with it. But feel free to try it out as you wish!

2. Also, don't hesitate to finish of your piece with a thin brush stroke using a watercolor (or any other translucent) brush on a layer set to soft light, overlay or hard light. And play with the hues and blending modes to get this multicoloured effect velvet can have sometimes. 

3. The brush also works great with a vivid light layer for the harsh highlights you can find on the fabric at times. 

4. You can also play around with the size of the brush because it won't always work great with a big setting. Slow and steady always win the race. 

5. And if on tablet, paint with a circular motion when using it, it helps the brush blend within itself

6. Last tip, don't hesitate to combine it with the kneading eraser to give it a realistic feel if that what you're looking for.


公開日期 : 4 hours ago

更新日期 : 4 hours ago

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