玻璃碎片 (Glass Fragment) Glass Fragment


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快速扭曲畫筆可製作碎玻璃效果,而無需手動切片繪圖的每個部分。 A quick distortion brush to make a broken glass effect without having to manually slice each part of the drawing.

快速扭曲畫筆可製作碎玻璃 效果,而無需手動 切片 繪圖的每個部分。

合併所有圖層以獲得最佳效果。畫筆將現有繪圖像圖章一樣 在每個玻璃碎片上拉伸。按兩下要從中開始拖動的位置。

調整粒子大小以使 每個碎片更大,如果您不想獲得輕微的線性效果,請關閉水彩邊緣!


隨意畫一些裂縫來突出破碎 ,你就完成了!

A quick distortion brush to make a broken glass effect without having to manually slice each part of the drawing.

Merge all your layers for the best effect. The brush stretches the existing drawing across each glass shard like a stamp. Click the spot you want to start the drag from.

Adjust particle size to make each shard larger, turn off watercolor edge if you don't want a minor lineart effect!

This brush is best used in one continuous stroke or it'll duplicate the holes.

Feel free to draw in some crack lines to accentuate the shatter and you're done!


公開日期 : 7 hours ago

更新日期 : 7 hours ago

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