Panda 顏色標記 (Panda color Marker) Panda color Marker


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記號筆 Panda Artcool marker brush pen panda artcool

它也可以用作基本的 G Pen。 
在這裡,我使用了我的 OC Mint,所以舉一個標記的例子。 
我還用了我的熊貓鉛筆和發光減淡筆。 在下面取得這些 👇👇👇
( free for limited time ).
This is a marker i made. it blends like an alcohol marker.
I love the feel of it and the way it color my characters. 
it can also be used as a basic g pen. 
here i used my OC Mint so give an example of the marker. 
I also used my panda pencil and glow dodge pen. GO get these below 👇👇👇
I hope you all like this as much as i do!!!
plz let me know if the brush has any problems. 😊


公開日期 : 6 hours ago

更新日期 : 6 hours ago

PandaArtCool 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi my name is Panda! I'm a young artist who loves to draw! ;D