帶紋理的繪圖畫筆,用於快速概念和形狀雕刻。 Textured drafting brush for quick concept and shape carving.
調整 「Amount of Paint」 以控制您選擇的顏色積累的速度。

調整 「Amount of Paint」 以控制您選擇的顏色積累的速度。

My take at a quick concept brush for the purposes of drafting more easily!
Works as a textured paintbrush or for shape carving as well.
Adjust the "Amount of Paint" to control how quickly your chosen color will build up.
Adjust "Color stretch" to control how much one color will run with the others.

Works as a textured paintbrush or for shape carving as well.
Adjust the "Amount of Paint" to control how quickly your chosen color will build up.
Adjust "Color stretch" to control how much one color will run with the others.
To achieve the affect shown in the preview and thumbnail, you must paint directly onto a filled layer. Painting onto a blank layer will result in full density color and no mixing (great for shape carving or silhouettes.)
Press lightly for a more textured scraping, press hard for smooth color