Zaweret 的畫筆包 (Zaweret's brush pack) Zaweret's brush pack


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我用於繪圖的所有畫筆。它們都非常基本。 all the brushes i use for a drawing. theyre all pretty basic.

噴槍 - 基本款,有時用於柔化邊緣

兩個硬圓刷 - 用於繪畫(我很少用它來阻止顏色)

鉛筆 - 用於素描.如果我覺得懶惰,也許是線性的。它就像一個一半噴槍一半硬邊刷

平筆 - 用於線性或色塊

Airbrush- basic, used for softening edges sometimes

Both Hard Round Brushes- for painting (i rarely use this to block in colors)

Pencil- for sketching...maybe lineart if im feelin lazy. it's like a half airbrush half hard edge brush

Flat pen- for lineart or blocking in colors

基本 basic


公開日期 : 4 hours ago

更新日期 : 4 hours ago

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