Petal Stroke 畫筆(免費限時) (Petal Stroke Brush (Free Limited Time)) Petal Stroke Brush (Free Limited Time)


  • 125
  • 免費

這是我第一次製作用於上傳到資產的畫筆 wueeee



這款刷子很快就會從免費改為收費 20 clippy!趁早免費獲取!
This is my first brush ever made to upload to assets wueeee

A simple brush which makes petal-like spots as you draw. Can be used for anything, but I found they make nice little doodle-style flower shapes!

Additionally, if you turn off ribbon strokes in the brush’s details, you can use the brush similarly to a pencil!

This brush will soon be changed from free to cost 20 clippy! Get it free while you can!


公開日期 : 4 hours ago

更新日期 : 4 hours ago

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