Michael Guimont Real Pencil 測試版 (Michael Guimont Real Pencil BETA) Michael Guimont Real Pencil BETA


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此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINTVer.1.10.10以上版本的素材。 ( 下載最新版本 )

這是我的Pencils & Friends Brushpack的測試版。

This is the beta version of my Pencils & Friends Brushpack.

It's intended to mimic how a real pencil would feel. I've since upgraded it, but thought I'd share with you the first major and stable version of these brushes!


這是我現在的Pencil & Friends Brushpack的Beta版本。此後,它通過更好的紋理、傾斜和其他工具得到了極大的改進,可以在 gumroad 上找到:



在這個包中,您將獲得 2 個畫筆和 1 個橡皮擦:

Pencil Smooth:




如果您有興趣查看我如何繪製這兩張圖像的完整教程,您可以在 Grafit Studio 的 gumroad 頁面上找到它:

  不要忘記更改您的筆壓設置,以便畫筆正常工作! 否則,它不會很好地工作,壓力會變得混亂!

Hey there folks!

Here is the Beta Version of my current Pencil & Friends Brushpack. It's since been enormously improved with better texture, tilt and additional tools, it's available on gumroad:

I used these brushes for quite a while and thought I'd share the first stable version with you! It is meant to mimic the look of traditional visual development art done on animated features when they were made on paper. I Always admired these artworks and wanted to have something similar but for the digital tools.

These have a texture close to a vellum quality printing paper and are great for sketches as well as finished illustrations!

In this pack, you get 2 brushes and 1 eraser:

Pencil Smooth:

Pencil Rough:

Traditional Eraser:

I used these tools on all of my work be it professional or personal. Here's an example:

If you are interested to see a full tutorial on how I drew these two images, you can find it over on Grafit Studio's gumroad page:

Don't forget to  change your Pen Pressure Settings like such in order for the brushes to work properly! Otherwise, it won't work well and pressure will be messed up!

I really hope you can enjoy these tools as much as I did!
Now go on and make great things :D!

Beta 畫筆 Beta brushes


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

MichaelGuimont 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hey there, I'm a visual development artist and story teller :) You can find more of my work here: linktr.ee/michaelguimont And buy the brushes I made here: https://michaelguimont.gumroad.com/