破洞的絲襪 (Ripped stockings) Ripped stockings


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一些透明的破絲襪紋理。根據需要進行調整。 Some transparent ripped stockings textures. Adjust however needed.

必須繪製有很多撕裂的長襪有點乏味,所以我製作了一小部分圖像紋理來使用。它們具有透明度,因此可以根據需要進行調整和編輯 ,或將它們用作繪圖參考或參考。
Having to draw stockings with lots of rips is kind of tedious so I made a small collection of image textures to use. They have transparency so adjust and edit however needed, or use them as a drawing guide or reference.


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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