3D 透視臉 (3D Pespective face) 3D Pespective face


  • 90
  • 30 CLIPPY
此素材適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 3.0.0以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.3.0.0 )

在 Clip Studioi Paint 中使用 3D Face 動畫

3D Face 是一種高度詳細的動漫風格面部模型,可幫助藝術家創建一致且動態的角色插圖。它具有可調節的角度和可定製的比例,可作為繪製富有表現力的面部特徵的完美參考。



Using the 3D Face anime in Clip Studioi Paint

The 3D Face is a highly detailed anime-style face model that helps artists create consistent and dynamic character illustrations. With adjustable angles and customizable proportions, it serves as a perfect reference for drawing expressive facial features.

You can rotate, scale, and modify the model to match your desired perspective, making it ideal for refining your art style and improving accuracy in facial expressions. Use it as a base for sketches or detailed artwork to speed up your workflow and maintain consistency in your designs.


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公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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