萊尼!(48 小時免費) (lenny! (free for 48h)) lenny! (free for 48h)


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我以我的角色 Lenny 命名了這支筆,她是封面中的女孩。她不是很漂亮嗎?

無論如何,這是一支簡單的筆。它啟用了 Multiply,因此如果您願意,請隨時更改它。它很鋒利,所以要小心!(BA DUM,TSS!
I named the pen after my character Lenny, who is the girl in the cover. Isn't she beautiful?

Anyway, it's a simple pen. It has Multiply on, so feel free to change that if you like. It's sharp, so be careful! (ba dum, tss!)


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 19 hours ago

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