我做了框架,作為對各種封面和新藝術運動和裝飾風格的研究。您可以更改線條顏色、底色、陰影顏色和寶石顏色。即使我在沒有描摹或複製的情況下這樣做了,仍然被刪除,將來會使另一個不那麼相似。僅供個人非營利組織使用 Frame I did as a study of various covers and art nouveau and decó style. You can change the line color, base color, shadow color and gems color. If even when I did it without tracing or copying still gets taking down, will make another in the future less similar. Only for personal non profit use

紫色映射筆的對稱尺 x2 素描

Lines and base color changed.

Symetry ruler x2 sketch in purple mapping pen