原始北翼, 屏障, 力量 (Primitive Northern Wing, Barrier, Power) Primitive Northern Wing, Barrier, Power
Primitive Northern Wing、Barrier、Power 由三個原始組成。

下面是一個 3D 圖形的範例。

這是基元的 before image。

這是使用基元 X,Y,Z 軸拉伸和擠壓的基元的殘像。

Primitive Northern Wing, Barrier, Power is made of three primitive.

Here is an example down below of what it looks like with 3D figures.

If you wish to change the size stretch or squish of the wing or barrier please separate them from the group here is an example down below.
This is a before image of the primitive.

This is an after image of the primitive that have been stretched out and squished by using the primitive X,Y,Z axis.