岩石 (Rocks) Rocks


  • 18
  • 400 CLIPPY

按雙 Tab 鍵,您可以移動哪些岩石,並通過按下曲線並拖動來 更改位置,玩得開心
請記住,當按兩擊岩石時,您還可以通過按下 紅色、藍色和綠色立方體箭頭來更改大小,包括寬度、寬度和高度 (請注意,由於更改了岩石的位置,它可能會改變順序)還按下 物件 周圍的圓圈並拖動它將調整物件的大小或大或小。

Press double tab which rock you can move and change the position by pressing the curve line and dragging it have fun
And Remeber when double tab the rock you also change the size as well including width,wide and height  by pressing dargging the red, blue, and green cube arrow (note it may have change the order due changing the position of the rocks) also pressing the  circle around the object and dragging it will adjust object size big or small.

Note: there about 88 cube cell so be careful if your system can't handle it with so many rocks

材料 Material

  • 默認材質 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 默認佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 6 days ago

更新日期 : 4 days ago

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