壁紙圖案的靈感來自 20 世紀中葉的設計,尤其是斯堪的納維亞設計。它將經典的花卉圖案與簡單、現代的形狀相結合。 Wallpaper pattern inspired by mid-20th century design, especially Scandinavian design. It combines a classic floral pattern with simple, modern shapes.
包括圖案的 3 種變體,可以通過柵格化,然後使用 Gradient map 或 Convert to drawing color 來重新著色。
- 黑色和白色(最好搭配2色漸變)
- 透明(最好使用 1 種顏色)
- 著色(最適合使用多色漸變)

3 variants of the pattern are included and can be recolored by rasterizing, then using Gradient map or Convert to drawing color.
- Black & white (best with 2-color gradient)
- Transparent (best with 1 color)
- Shaded (best with multi-color gradient)

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壁紙 Wallpapers