孟菲斯 MEGAPACK [免費 48 小時] (Memphis MEGAPACK [Free 48hrs]) Memphis MEGAPACK [Free 48hrs]


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此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 2.3.0以上版本的素材。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2.3.0 )

幾種孟菲斯風格、復古風格的灰度重複圖案,帶有漸變集,可用於根據需要為它們著色。 Several Memphis-style, retro inspired repeating patterns in grayscale, with gradient sets that can be used to color them however you'd like.

這些是復古的孟菲斯風格重複圖案,您可以使用隨附的漸變集(或您自己的漸變集)和 Gradient Map 功能進行自定義。


1. 將圖案拖動到工作區或圖層清單中。

2. 根據需要縮放模式。注意:消除鋸齒可能會通過創建不同陰影的灰色圖元來影響顏色的渲染方式。為防止這種情況,請進入物件設置,然後在“Image Material(圖像材質)”下,選擇“Hard Edges (nearest neighbor)”(硬邊(最近鄰))。

3. 當圖案調整成您想要的方式時,右鍵按兩下圖案圖層並選擇「柵格化」。。在執行此作之前,Gradient Map 函數將不起作用。

4. 轉到編輯 > 色調校正 > 漸變映射......並選擇所需的調色板。(要瞭解如何使用漸變貼圖,請參閱此教程:https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/2453 )

5. 按兩下確定”您已成功將自訂模式添加到工作:)


其中許多圖案和漸變集可以在我之前上傳的 Memphis Retro Patterns + Palettes Vol. 1 和 2 中找到,它們是
These are retro, Memphis style repeating patterns you can customize using the included gradient set (or your own) and the Gradient Map function.


1. Drag the pattern onto your workspace or into your layer list.

2. Scale the pattern as desired. NOTE: Anti-aliasing may affect how colors are rendered by making different shades of gray pixels. To prevent this, go into the object settings, and under "Image Material", select "Hard Edges (nearest neighbor)".

3. When the pattern is adjusted how you want it, right-click the pattern layer and select "Rasterize". The Gradient Map function will not work until you do this.

4. Go to Edit > Tonal Correction > Gradient maps... and select the desired color palette. (To learn how to use gradient maps, see this tutorial: https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/2453 )

5. Click OK. You have successfully added a customized pattern to your work :)

Using different palettes can make these patterns match the vibe of your work so much better.

Many of these patterns and gradient sets can be found in my previous uploads, Memphis Retro Patterns + Palettes Vol. 1 and 2, which are

模式 Patterns

漸變集 Gradient Sets


公開日期 : 4 hours ago

更新日期 : 4 hours ago

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call me teal. i draw and make comics.