髮型 00 (Hair Set 00) Hair Set 00


  • 40
  • 免費

您可以在圖像周圍粘貼和變換的毛囊。 Hair follicles you can paste and transform around the image.

只需將向量拖動到圖像中,然後自由變換或網格變換以適應特定形狀或角度。結果,再加上 my eye 材質和/或將 body type 線條圖轉換為向量,應該可以加快角色的繪製速度。

Simply drag the vector into the image, and either free transform, or mesh transform to fit specific shapes or angles. The results, coupled with the my eye materials and/or converting body type line art to vector, should let you speed up drawing your characters.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 12 hours ago

更新日期 : 12 hours ago

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