陰影的水彩邊框 (Watercolor border for shadows) Watercolor border for shadows


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這是一種自動作,用於使用看起來不會偏灰的水彩邊緣繪製陰影。 This is an autoaction to paint shadows with a watercolor edge that doesn't look gray-ish.




  • 顏色在這裡。
  • SHAPES 在這裡。

選擇 COLORS here 層次,並用您想要的陰影顏色填充它。然後轉到 SHAPES here 圖層並繪製陰影的形狀。

當您想編輯陰影的顏色時,您需要在 COLORS here 層次上進行編輯。您可以使用映射筆或噴槍等固體工具。水彩邊緣將始終適合 COLORS here 層次上的顏色。


When you enable the watercolor edge effect, the result is a gray-ish watercolor border.

But I wanted the watercolor edge to have a color that fits the shadows better, so I made this autoaction.

Apply the autoaction right on top of the base color layer/folder.

A new folder in multiply blending mode will appear, containing two layers:
  • COLORS here.
  • SHAPES here.

Select the COLORS here layer and fill it with the color you want for the shadows. Then go to the SHAPES here layer and draw the shape of the shadows.

When you want to edit the color of the shadows, you need to do it on the COLORS here layer. You can use solid tools like mapping pen, or airbrush, etc. The watercolor edge will always fit the colors you have on the COLORS here layer.

I will make a tutorial video on YouTube soon. Please find it on my channel "Inmapollito" when it's ready.

I hope you will find this useful.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

InmaR. 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I'm a freelance artist from Spain ❤


