蜜蜂! (Bees!) Bees!


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6 個蜂群噴霧刷,蜜蜂有 10 種不同的姿勢。 6 bee swarm spray brushes with bees in 10 different poses.

為蜂群噴灑刷子!6 種畫筆,蜜蜂有 10 種不同的姿勢。“Outline” 和 “Striped” 版本僅使用前景色。“Color” 版本同時使用前景色和背景色。使用“No Legs”畫筆可獲得更簡單、更不逼真的外觀。

我在 2000x2000 像素的畫布上繪製了這些,因此蜜蜂在大尺寸下仍然會很光滑和高品質。

Spray brushes for bee swarms! Six brushes with bees in 10 different poses. “Outline” and “Striped” versions use foreground color only. “Color” versions use both foreground and background colors. Use the “No Legs” brushes for a simpler, less realistic look.

I drew these on a 2000x2000px canvas so the bees will still be smooth and high quality at large sizes.

蜜蜂!由shivera Bees! by shivera


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更新日期 : 4 hours ago

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