動畫的自動填充 (Auto Fill In for Animatics) Auto Fill In for Animatics


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自動用塊狀顏色填充您的線性圖,以加快樣片製作過程!只需使用魔杖選擇工具即可! Automatically fill in your lineart with a block colour to speed up the animatic-making process! Just use the wand select tool!


1. 隨心所欲地做你的線性。只要確保沒有任何大的間隙。

2. 然後使用魔杖工具選擇要 填充的區域的外部 。這是因為 auto作將反轉您的選擇。這種方式更快,並且填充和藝術線之間不會有任何空白圖元。


3. 選擇您的填滿顏色並使用自動作。




If you ever want to block in characters for animatics or other purposes, this auto action makes it really speedy!

1. Do your lineart however you like. Just make sure there aren't any big gaps.

2. Then select the outside of the area you want to fill using the wand tool. This is because the auto action will invert your selection. This way is faster, and you will not have any empty pixels between the fill and the lineart.

I set my wand settings so I can add more selections, which is useful when there are spaces that must not be filled, such as the gap between the character's body and arm. I also put my close gap settings really high so it will fill properly.

3. Choose your fill colour and use the auto action.

The adjustable auto action means that the color block layer will be below the lineart area. This means you can mess around with the lineart and fill colour easier. 

I also think it's easier to add animatic effects this way, like shading or gradients.

There is a merge auto action version, meaning the lineart will be merged with the block layer in case you don't want to deal with too many layers in your file or something.

Have fun!


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 5 hours ago

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