[限量免費]織物起皺 ([Free for a limited] Fabric Wrinkle) [Free for a limited] Fabric Wrinkle


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1) 首先,使用軟刷為褲子添加特定的暗影。

2) 添加新圖層以添加織物皺紋,然後調整圖層剪輯並使用畫筆添加皺紋。

 3 作為最後一步,您可以使用帶有橡皮擦工具的軟刷擦除邊緣

Ready-made fabric makes it easier to add wrinkles and makes it more practical to use. Enjoy using it!~

1)First, add a specific dark shadow to the pants using a soft brush.

2) Add a new layer to add fabric wrinkles, then adjust the layer clipping and use the brush to add the wrinkles.

3 As the final step, you can erase the edges using a soft brush with the eraser tool

織物起皺 Fabric Wrinkle


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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