Kandi 珠刷 (字母和數位) (Kandi Bead Brushes (Letters & Numbers)) Kandi Bead Brushes (Letters & Numbers)


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受 1990 年代和 2000 年代初的 kandi 手鐲啟發的大型刷子套裝!這套包括此類配件上使用的字母、數位和墊片的樣式。 A massive brush set inspired by the kandi bracelets in the 1990s and early 2000s! This set includes the style of letters, numbers, and spacers used on such accessories.

請欣賞我根據 1990 年代至 2000 年代初用於 kandi 手鐲的字母和數位珠子創建的畫筆組。我記得小時候一直在製作這些,並認為我的角色也擁有這些也會很有趣。 



我的珠子畫筆也會根據主色板功能表中的內容改變顏色。頂部顏色將是設計,而底部顏色將是實際的珠子顏色。kandi 手鐲上的傳統字母和數位通常是圓形和黑白相間的,但您可以將它們製作成任何您想要的顏色!


Please enjoy my brush set that I created based off the letter and number beads used for kandi bracelets from the 1990s to the early 2000s. I remember making these all the time as a kid and thought it would be so fun for my characters to have as well. 

You can use these with other bead brushes created by other users or as is. They are responsive to angles and movement to simulate how real bracelets move and fit around objects. 

Included in this brush set are letters, numbers, spacers, and some bonus words! Feel free to stamp out words or use them as is. 

My bead brushes will also change color depending on what is in your main swatch menu. The top color will be the design, while the bottom one will be the actual bead color. Traditional letters and numbers on kandi bracelets are typically round and black and white, but you can make them any color you'd like!

Thank you so much for checking out my brushes, I hope you enjoy them and create some fun characters with them. 

函件 Letters

數位 Numbers

間隔 Spacers

的話 Words


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

artbyinky 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Digital artist, illustrator and designer. Hedgehog enthusiast. Tablet: XP Pen 15.6 Artist Pro, iPad Air 10.5 Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Procreate Find me on Instagram, Bluesky, YouTube, and TikTok!