Cyber Tech Megapack (Cyber Tech Megapack) Cyber Tech Megapack


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各種電路和網路技術材料包。包括 5 個電路圖章畫筆、10 個電路平鋪透明紋理、2 個無縫平鋪技術面板、3 個介面圖像。 A variety pack of circuitry and cyber tech materials. Includes 5 circuitry stamp brushes, 10 circuitry tiling transparent textures, 2 seamless tiling tech panels, 3 interface images.


2 個無縫透明技術面板(黑色)。 

5 個 Circuitry Stamp 畫筆(顏色可調)。

3 透明介面影像(黑色):

10 個無縫平鋪透明電路紋理(黑色):

This variety of materials are perfect for illustrating machines and scifi technology. 

2 Seamless transparent technology panels (in black). 

5 Circuitry Stamp Brushes (color adjustable).

3 Transparent Interface images (in black):

10 seamless tiling transparent circuitry textures (in black):

電路圖章畫筆 Circuit Stamp Brushes

平鋪透明紋理 (無縫) Tiling Transparent Textures (Seamless)

技術鑲板(無縫) Tech Paneling (Seamless)

Cyber Interface 圖片 Cyber Interface Images


公開日期 : 3 days ago

更新日期 : 3 days ago

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