古董噪音集 (antique noise set) antique noise set


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以某種方式使用某種噪音? Some kind of noise to use somehow?

這是高度實驗性的,我做了,但不知道怎麼自己使用它。 看看你能用它做什麼。  基於舊雜誌封面。

有18種材質:9種是彩色的,9種是灰度的。  灰度只是彩色版本的透明紋理版本,它們的名字很奇怪,因為我想不出任何好的名字。  隨意重命名它們。


這是使用大量分層效果完成的。 例如,這是她衣服的金色部分:

1. “海軍噪點”,18% 正常,剪切圖層
2. “紅雜訊”,100%,正常。剪切層
3.  古銅色陰影,100% 正常
4. “杏色”,100% 疊加,剪切圖層
5. 深金色純色,100% 正常。

如果你要用彩色版本製作任何類型的插圖,你必須事先對你想要的顏色做一些計劃。 嘗試一下,看看什麼效果最好。




最後一個例子。 原始影像在上,灰度在左邊,顏色在右邊。

This is highly experimental, I made it but don't know how to use this myself.  See what you can do with it.  Based on old magazine covers.

There's 18 materials: 9 in color, 9 in greyscale.  The greyscale is just the transparent texture version of the color versions, they have weird names since I couldn't think of any good ones.  Feel free to rename them.

Example using the colored noise:

This was done using a lot of layering effects.  For example, here's the gold part of her dress:

Top to bottom:
1. "Navy Noise", 18% normal, clipped layer
2. "Red Noise", 100%, normal. clipped layer
3.  Bronze shading, 100% normal
4. "Apricot Noise", 100% overlay, clipped layer
5. Dark Gold solid color, 100% normal.

If you're making any sort of illustration with the color version, you'll have to do some planning on what colors you want beforehand.  Experiment with it, see what works best.

Here's me applying the colored versions to some previous art:

The power of overlay layers, painting over an area and using "create selection from area" then using it as a mask on another layer, and clipping layers:

If you can't read that, don't worry, it is a mix of experiments since I couldn't tell what technique looked best. You'll probably make a better one!

One last example.  Original on top, greyscale on left, color on right.

顏色 color

質地 texture


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D