惡魔家族 (Family of Fiends) Family of Fiends


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此素材集適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2 )

我為我的DND角色製作了很多模型,並且更喜歡更逼真的頭部,所以:我們不要把關。年幼的孩子(Arkilius,Danik,Nadiya)大約8歲(Danik和Nadiya雙胞胎),和Emery大約14歲?成年的Arkilius和Atalax是同父異母的兄弟,所以是的!適合所有人的類似功能! I make a lot of models for my DND characters, & prefer more realistic heads so: let's not gatekeep. Young kids (Arkilius, Danik, Nadiya) approx 8 yrs (Danik & Nadiya twins), and Emery approx 14? Adult Arkilius & Atalax are half brothers, so yeah! Similar features for all!

就像描述中所說的,它們只是我使用過或正在使用的一些頭部的 3D 模型。“Emery”是性別模糊的,“Danik”和“Nadiya”是雙胞胎(這三個是Arkilius 和他在我正在玩的遊戲中的愛人的未來假設孩子)。“Atalax” 是 “Arkilius” 的同父異母兄弟。


帶有 Atalax 頭的 Child-Arkilius 頭(目前正在進行中)




Like it says in the description, they're just 3d models of some heads I've used or am currently using. "Emery" is meant to be gender-ambiguous, and "Danik" and "Nadiya" are twins (the three are the future hypothetical children of Arkilius and his love interest in the game I'm playing). "Atalax" is the half brother of "Arkilius."

A lot of the head models on here are more anime and have very extreme features, so I wanted to offer some more realistic and milder ones instead. Here are some examples of them in use, though a few are still in progress. 

The child-Arkilius head with the Atalax head (currently in progress)

. . 

The twins (very in progress) and the Emery (completed) 

And the

And two examples of the adult head in action. (I had a different one I would have shown but alas, filesize too big, even if it is newer and thus better quality.).

成人頭像 Adult Heads

兒童和青少年 Kids and Teens


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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