Poster 顏色 (Poster Color) Poster Color


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調色板 color palette

基於動漫 BG 流行的海報顏色。不知道這些與真實油漆的準確度如何,但這是基於包裝和顏料應該是什麼樣子 
based on poster color that was popular for anime bgs. idk how accurate these are to the real paints but it’s based on packaging and what the pigments are supposed to look like 


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

honeyviolets 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

hi! i’m miel! i like final fantasy xiv and my catgirl a normal amount. i’m an illustrator who dabbles in 3D and likes to share my art tools! find me on bluesky @ honeyviolets.