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我製作的新素描畫筆,這是用於 Windows 的,我有一個單獨的 ipad 畫筆,稍後會上傳。
畫布尺寸 3000x4000,600dpi。
在 1000x1000 像素的畫布上看起來很奇怪。
New Sketch Brush I made, this is for windows, I have a separate one for ipad which I will upload later.
Canvas size 3000x4000, 600dpi.
Looks weird on a 1000x1000px canvas.


我不知道這些設置是否會延續,但是如果您在繪圖時按住 ctrl,您可以立即切換到橡皮擦,當您鬆開它時,它會返回畫筆。



Uploaded a new brush, it has been changed up a bit from my old sketch brush.

I dunno if the settings carry over, but if you hold ctrl while drawing you can switch to the eraser in an instant and when you let it off it'll go back to the brush.

I have a shakey hand and my drawings are always messy, I have tuned this brush to suit my messy and sketch-heavy style, I hope someone else who has trouble drawing lines cleanly or who just likes to sketch and press lightly can use it and get some relief from the almost too sensitive pens you normally get. 

Brush icon is colour customisable. 


公開日期 : 17 days ago

更新日期 : 17 days ago

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