歇斯底裡!紙莎草調色板 (Hysteria!Papyrus Palette) Hysteria!Papyrus Palette


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來自我的 Undertale AU 的 Papyrus 調色板,Hysteriatale :D


有趣的事實:我一開始不小心上傳了錯誤的調色板,甚至沒有意識到 lol
A color palette for Papyrus from my Undertale AU, Hysteriatale :D

literally i do not know what i'm doing here LMAO i just want clippy points

fun fact: i accidentally uploaded the wrong color palette at first and didn't even realize lol



- 第二淺的灰色是他的牙齒
- 最淺的灰色是他的衣服(襯衫、手套邊緣、褲子邊緣、夾克袖子、鞋子)
- 淺紅色是他的圍巾,深紅色是他的圍巾兜帽內側
- 較淺的橙色/藍色是他的夾克/褲子/手套,較深的橙色/藍色是他的夾克和褲子上的圖案
- 他的臉是近乎黑色的


yeah im gonna be honest i'm not entirely sure what to put here (first time uploading an asset so don't expect the highest quality lol)
this is a cool font
very fitting

anyways if you want to know where the colors go:

-second darkest gray is for his main bone color and also the shoelaces
-darkest gray is for darker bone color (i. e. the back of his mouth or the neck shadow if that makes sense)
-second lightest gray is for his teeth
-lightest gray is for his clothes (shirt, glove rims, pants rims, jacket sleeves, shoes)
-light yellow is for the star in his eye
-the lighter red is for his scarf, darker red is for the inside of his scarf hood
-lighter orange/blue is for his jacket/pants/gloves, darker orange/blue is for the pattern on his jacket and pants
-near-black color is for his face

that's about it :D

if there's any problems with what i'm doing here, please let me know!!


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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