EGA 遮光筆 (EGA Shading Pen) EGA Shading Pen


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用於對圖稿應用底紋的標記。 A marker for applying shading to art.


建議在 「Multiply」 或 「Overlay」 設定中使用它。

它同時使用 main color 和 sub color。 

A marker I made for shading with texture for my comics. 

It is recommended to use it on "Multiply" or "Overlay" settings.

It uses both the main color and sub color. 


公開日期 : 19 hours ago

更新日期 : 6 days ago

Henyoki 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I'm Henyoki, and I've made comics such as "Blink!", "Ené's Grand Adventures", and "The King's Rogue". I also do freelance commission work.