此 AA 目前僅適用於直立的面部。但是,旋轉和變換后,您可以輕鬆複製和粘貼臉部。
*引入修訂版。 有一個聰明的主意,即鏡像左側變換並在其上變換另一個面,以獲得相似的測量值。
如果有任何問題,請隨時提問。我還在Google Drive 上提供了整個幻燈片,所以如果你想看到它以便於翻譯,請告訴我。
Nearly everyone has problems with drawing a head facing up. The trick is treating the face as a mask. Though, not everyone is not good at visualizing that, or at the very least, preserving proportions.
This auto-action does that for you. All you need to know is how to draw eyes or noses at different angles. The chin and jaw will be angled for you.
This AA currently only works with a face that’s upright. But, you can easily copy and paste the face once rotated and transform.
*Revised version introduced. Had the bright idea of mirroring the left-sided transformation and transforming another face over it to get the measurements similar.
*"⬆️🔴Look up" auto action applied twice above.
If there’s any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I also provide this entire slideshow on Google Drive, so if you want to see that for easy translation, let me know.