- 這是重新上傳的原因,因為我做了一個愚蠢的事情(哎呀)
It is a nice sharp pencil brush with a grainy and rough texture. Good for sketching and loose doodles.
-This is a reupload cause i did a silly (whoops)
我的新鉛筆刷。我更喜歡在 30 像素到 50 像素的大小和 35% 的不透明度之間使用它,但請根據您的需要進行調整!我還建議 Stabilization 為 15。
My new pencil brush. I prefer using it between a size of 30px to 50px and an opacity of 35%, but adjust to your needs! I also recommend a Stabilization of 15.
I hope you enjoy!