著色、渲染和素描水彩畫筆。驚人的混合和渲染,最適合底色。 Coloring, rendering and sketch watercolor brush. Amazing blending and rendering, works best on a base color.
1. 用此畫筆繪製草圖。
2. 使用此畫筆將底色放在任何其他顏色上,以避免延遲。
3. 開始渲染和混合顏色!
4. 在另一個層次上工作以襯托您的藝術或添加您不想混合的任何細節。
它使用新的 2.0 感知顏色混合來實現自然的混合。
1. Sketch with this brush.
2. Put your base colors with this brush on any other to avoid lag.
3. Start rendering and blending colors!
Tip: work on the same layer so that your colors can mix properly.
4. work on another layer to line your art or add any details you don't want to mix.
It uses the new 2.0 perceptual color mixing for a natural looking blending.