(72 小時免費)毛髮畫筆集 ((72h free) Fur Brush Set) (72h free) Fur Brush Set


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此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 1.11.0以上版本的素材。 ( 下載最新版本 )

一組 5 個的畫筆,用於繪製半逼真的蓬鬆或細長毛皮。非常適合繪製動物和時尚。 A brush set of 5 for drawing semi-realistic fluffy or stringy fur. Great for drawing animals and fashion.

使用此畫筆組創建逼真的毛髮有 3 個關鍵步驟。第 1 步是使用畫筆 1 或畫筆 2 繪製基底。

第二步是使用畫筆 3 和畫筆 4 添加高光。當您同時使用原色和輔助色時,畫筆 3 的效果最佳。沿希望毛髮流入的方向繪製毛髮高光。

如果您願意,最後一步是使用畫筆 5 混合毛髮的某些部分。此畫筆有助於為毛皮添加更多細微差別和真實感。

希望這些刷子對您有所説明!使用相同筆刷繪製毛髮的示例。除了官方預設的 ClipStudioPaint 畫筆和我自己設計的畫筆外,沒有使用其他畫筆。此外,示例中使用的隔膜穿孔也是我自己設計的圖像材料。它可用於我的耳環刷和 20 個 clippy 代幣的材料套裝。圖中的角色也是我自己的原創角色。

There are 3 key steps to creating realistic fur with this brush set. Step 1 is to use brush 1, or brush 2 to draw the base.

The second step is to use brush 3 and brush 4 to add the highlights. Brush 3 works best when you use both the primary and and secondary colours at the same time. Draw the fur highlights in the direction you want the fur to flow in.

The final step, if you wish to, is to blend in some parts of the fur with brush 5. This brush helps add a bit more nuance and realism to the fur.

Hope these brushes serve you well! Example of using the same brushes to paint the fur. No other brushes were used besides the official default ClipStudioPaint brushes, and brushes of my own design. Also the septum piercing used in the example is also an image material of my own design. It is available in my earring brush and material set for 20 clippy tokens. The character pictured is also my own original character.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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Arden Wachowski is an author and aspiring concept artist based in Canada. He is most known for the horror webcomic, Cold Hard Teeth.