Bunny's Victorian Street Mob 【第 1 卷】 (Bunny's Victorian Street Mob 【Volume 1】) Bunny's Victorian Street Mob 【Volume 1】


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此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 1.12.0以上版本的素材。 ( 下載最新版本 )

這是一系列相同類型的模糊的 1870 年代維多利亞時代背景暴徒中的第一個。


The first in a series of the same type of vague 1870s Victorian background mob.

This is great for historical/fantasy settings too.

Please enjoy!

您可能會在 1870 年代西部環境中看到的 10 個人示例。


10 examples of people you might see in a western 1870s setting.

Each figure comes as a folder of linework etc that can be edited with color or screen tones as needed.

圖像 Images


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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