展示我的3D咖啡店:簡單&精簡。該設計是極簡主義的大師班,有意避免任何多餘或不必要的細節。3D 空間的每個元素都經過精心編輯和製作,營造出平靜、誘人的氛圍。簡潔的線條、柔和的配色方案和低調的傢俱結合在一起,將重點放在咖啡和飲用咖啡的體驗上。
Presenting my 3D coffee shop: Simple & Stripped-down. The design is a masterclass in minimalism, intentionally avoiding any excess or unnecessary details. Every element of the 3D space has been meticulously edited and crafted to create a calming, inviting atmosphere. The clean lines, muted color scheme, and understated furniture all come together to put the focus on the coffee and the experience of consuming it.
材料 Material
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分配 Allocate
默認佈局 Default layout