- 矩形的多功能刷子。
- 畫筆的目的是為了在風景/剪影中進行阻擋(名稱背後的主要原因,但我沒有風景示例)
-Versatile Brush that is Rectangular in shape.
-Purpose of brush is for blocking in landscapes/silhouettes(main reason behind the name, but I do not have a landscape example)
-適合硬混合,不會真正暈染或模糊,我建議先應用顏色然後再選擇混合值的顏色(重複步驟直到想要混合) 以獲得最佳效果。
-Line is very faint with low pressure and opaque when high pressure.
-Good for hard blending, does not really smudge or blur, I reccommend applying color then color picking mixed value(repeat step till desired blending) for best results.
-Can be used for basic lineart as well as full colored pieces