蛋彩畫 (Tempera Paint) Tempera Paint


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此素材集適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2 )

蛋彩畫營造出古老的自製繪畫外觀! Egg tempera for an ancient, homemade painting look!

我不確定有多少人會喜歡這樣的套裝,但我決定為像我這樣喜歡歷史畫的人推出它會很有趣。 首先,關於繪畫歷史的迷你課程:

蛋彩畫漆(美味的油炸食品是tempura)是乾顏料和濕結合劑的混合物,傳統的是蛋黃。  這是世界上最早的油漆類型之一,被古埃及、希臘、印度和中國使用,而且非常耐用,其樣本可以追溯到西元1世紀。   蛋彩畫顏料是西方世界主要選擇的繪畫媒介,直到亞麻籽油畫顏料出現。在 1500 年代開始超越它。

蛋彩畫顏料是一種有趣的繪畫方式:它幹得很快,所以不能在畫布上混合。  它是透明的,會留下刷子筆觸。  混合並添加有趣點到你的畫中的最好方法就是孵化!這是一個 有趣的挑戰,可以説明你培養耐心和看待事物的新方法。

考慮到這一點,這套畫是基於蛋彩畫的。  它旨在獲得那種老式的外觀,從墓葬畫到插圖手稿和動物寓言。  這是我在下面畫的東西:


讓我們談談畫筆本身。  像往常一樣,隨意調整這些以適應你的喜好。  我喜歡打開“每個筆觸隨機顏色”,這樣條紋就會更明顯,但我會關閉它或重新調整它以適應顏色。

三葉草: 帶有彎曲尖端的扁平刷子,就像三葉草。  

Big Bunch: 擅長覆蓋很多區域,表現出一點刷毛,但並不多。

有機束: 與前一把刷子的尖端相同,但具有不同的質地和不同的壓力。 非常適合孵化和髮絲。

好: itsy bitsy 細節畫筆!

木質底漆 - 刷狀的木質紋理。 你可以在上面塗上薄薄的色片來做底色,或者用它來增加額外的質感。 很多蛋彩畫都是木板畫,所以我決定木質紋理會很好。

木紋 - 一種兼具紋理和木紋的油漆刷。  平面刷和底漆的混合。  雙刷。

Solid Flat - 一種非常實線但有顆粒感的扁平畫筆。 非常適合用於拼色。

空心筆觸 - 用於不均勻分佈的筆觸。  非常適合紋理構建和大膽標記。  雙刷。

Line Bunch - 適合假影線和混合。 在小尺寸下更難使用。

平線 - 一種帶有透明平面覆蓋的線條刷。  另一個用於紋理和資訊添加的好刷子。  雙刷。

Good Rake - 我最喜歡這個耙子,在大多數尺寸上都做得很好。 紋理、頭髮、毛髮、陰影、陰影等。

如果你想要那種有條紋的外觀,你得用手來孵化。  即使是刷毛刷也救不了你。  就個人而言,我並不介意,但我確實是個瘋子,喜歡用手孵化。  如果你有時間的話,我確實建議你試試這個,但我理解很多Clip Studio使用者使用這個程式來簡化他們的流程。  


I'm not sure how many people will enjoy a set like this, but I decided it would be fun to put out for people who enjoy historical painting like me.  First, a mini-lesson on painting history:

TEMPERA paint (the delicious fried food is tempura) is a mixture of a dry pigment and a wet binding agent, traditionally egg yolks.  It's one of the world's first types of paints, used by ancient Egypt, Greece, India, & China, and is surprisingly long lasting, with samples dating back to 1st century CE.   Tempera paint was the main painting medium of choice in the western world until linseed oil paints began to overtake it in the 1500s.

Tempera paint is a funny thing to paint with: it dries quickly so it cannot be blended on canvas.  It is transparent and leaves brush strokes behind.  The best way to mix and add interesting spots to your painting is to hatch!  It is a challenge, but it is a fun one that can help teach you patience and new ways to look at things.

With that out of the way, this set is based on tempera.  It is meant to get that old fashioned look, from tomb paintings to illuminated manuscripts and bestiaries.  Here's something I painted below:

(A medieval goth... it's a bad pun ;w; )

Let's talk about the brushes themselves.  As usual, feel free to adjust these to your liking.  I like having "random color each stroke" on so the streaks are more obvious, but I'll turn it off or readjust it to suit the color.

Clover: A flat brush with a curved tip, like a clover.  

Big Bunch: Good at covering a lot of area, shows a bit of bristle, but not much.

Organic Bunch: The same tip as the previous brush, but with a different texture & different pressure.  Great for hatching & hair strokes.

Fine: The itsy bitsy detail brush!

Wood Primer - A wood texture in brush form.  You can lay down thin sheets of color to paint on top of for an underpainting, or use it to add in extra texture.  A lot of temperas were wood panel paintings, so I decided a wood texture would be good.

Wood Lines - A paint brush with both a grain texture & wooden lines.  A mix between the flat brush & the primer.  Dual Brush.

Solid Flat - A very solid but grainy flat brush.  Great for blocking in color.

Hollow Stroke - For a stroke that spreads out unevenly.  Great for texture building & bold marks.  Dual brush.

Line Bunch - Good for fake hatching and blending.  Harder to use at small sizes.

Flat Lines - A line brush with a transparent flat overlay.  Another good brush for texturing & information adding.  Dual brush.

Good Rake - I like this rake the best, does a good job at most sizes.  Texture, hair, fur, hatching, shading, etc..

If you want the streaky look, you're going to have to hatch by hand.  Even the bristle brushes can't save you.  Personally, I don't mind, but I am certifiably insane and like hatching by hand.  I do suggest trying it if you have the time, but I understand a lot of Clip Studio users use the program to streamline their process.  

You also get a few extra crack textures to add some oldness to your painting:

Thanks for having a look, hope you enjoy using these!


紋理 textures


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D