grunge halftone 的畫筆版本! The brush version of the grunge halftone!
正如承諾的那樣,這是我昨天發佈的 grunge halftone 的畫筆版本。
As promised, here is the brush version of the grunge halftone I posted yesterday.
Some have different settings, feel free to play around, change tips, turn spraying on or off, whatever you'd like. :)
刷印 brushing up the print
深色大半色調 Dark Big Halftone
橢圓半色調 Oval Halftone
木線 較暗的半色調 Wood Lines Darker Halftone
木線 半色調 Wood Lines Halftone
奇異的半色調 Bizarre Halftone
齒形半色調 Toothed Halftone
Wave Surface Halftone Wave Surface Halftone
蟲蛀半色調 Moth-Eaten Halftone
小夢半調 Little Dreams Halftone
Halftone 的線條 Lines of Halftone
燈板半色調 Lightboard Halftone
油墨摩擦半調 Ink Rub Halftone
仿面料半色調 Faux Fabric Halftone
假面料半色調 Fake Fabric Halftone
龍波半調 Dragon Waves Halftone
Down and Gritty 半色調 Down and Gritty Halftone
點瀑布色調 Dot Waterfall Tone
銷毀的 Halftone Destroyed Halftone
深色蛻皮線色調 Dark Molting Lines Tone
蠟筆半色調 Crayon Halftone
合成色調 Composition Tone