我根據《阿凡達:最後的氣宗》中的那個小場景為自己製作了一個小打鬥場景,其中 Iroh 在背對著 Zuko 時阻止了 Zhao 的攻擊。 A little fight scene I made for myself based on that little scene in Avatar: the Last Airbender where Iroh stopped Zhao from attacking Zuko while his back was turned.
我根據《阿凡達:最後的氣宗》中的那個小場景為自己製作了一個小打鬥場景,其中 Iroh 在背對著 Zuko 時阻止了 Zhao 的攻擊。
A little fight scene I made for myself based on that little scene in Avatar: the Last Airbender where Iroh stopped Zhao from attacking Zuko while his back was turned.
I used a female model instead of male for "Iroh" for my own art but it should work with minimal adjustments if you swap it out with a male model.
I'm willing to take a photo and try to create a pose for you if you want! Just send me a message.
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