新年快樂,這裡有一份小禮物送給你們! Happy New Year, here's a little gift to you guys!
編輯: 發佈半色調畫筆!
更多用髒、亂的效果製作的半色調! 總共有21種,下面是所有它們的預覽。 它們以透明的灰度呈現,所以你可以隨意改變顏色。
我很高興這麼多人在以前的版本中玩得很開心,製作起來很有趣! 希望你們和第一個包一樣喜歡這個。:D
Edit: Posted the halftone brushes!
More halftones made with dirty, messy effects! There are 21 in total, here's a preview of all of them below. They come in transparent greyscale, so feel free to change the color to whatever you need.
I'm glad so many people had a great time with the previous version, they're fun to make! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as the first pack. :D
磨損和生鏽 worn and rusted
齒半調 tooth halftone
飛蛾吃掉的 halftone moth eaten halftone
蠟筆圓點半色調 crayon dot halftone
墨水擦掉色調 ink rub off tone
木紋較暗 wood lines darker
木紋紋 wood grain lines
點瀑布色調 dot waterfall tone
合成語氣 composition tone
銷毀的半調網格 destroyed halftone grid
山地波浪 Halftone mountainous wave halftone
深色大半色調 dark big halftone
仿布半色調 faux fabric halftone
假布半線 fake fabric halfline
深色蛻皮線色調 dark molting lines tone
半色調的線條 深色 lines of halftones dark
燈板半色調 lightboard halftone
Down and dirt 網格半調 down and dirty grid halftone
難以理解的半色調 unintelligeble halftone
小夢 Halftone Ripple little dreams halftone ripple
龍半調波 dragon halftone waves
橢圓大橢圓 oval big ellipses